Thursday, October 23, 2008

Obama? no way - polls meaningless

Doe's anyone really believe that this character Barrack Obama seriously has a shot at winning the presidential election?

All indications that I see tell me NO, besides the television, which reports polling results with a tight race between Barry and John. I have no trust in any polls. Seriously, think about it. Who are they polling? I've lived in three states as an eligible voter (Oregon, Nevada, Maryland), and I've never been called once. I've asked many of my friends and colleagues, and none have ever been called.

On my way to and from work, I pass 1 lonely Obama sign and about 20 McCain signs, each way. Oh, also 1 Bob Barr sign.

Also on my drive to and from work every day, I see about 1 Obama bumper stickers compared to about 20 McCain stickers.

Out of all of the people that I've talked to at the office, at church, in my neighborhood, in my family, only 3 or 4 indicated support for Obama, and the rest are all strongly opposed to Obama and in support of Palin (and McCain). I'm talking about 100 people; probably more.

And I live in a blue state. I'm thinking that Maryland will surprise everyone and go red for GOP.

Addendum: October 28, 2008 8:11 PM

This morning I actually caught an article about how the signage is in McCain's favor in the local newspaper as I was headed out the door at the convenience store.

see McCain signs here outpace Obama's

Introduction / About

Mission Statement

The mission of this blog is to awake fellow citizens from their comfortably complacent state; to activate them in the cause of
  1. purveying truth
  2. promoting freedom
  3. defending liberty
Bullets for Battle
  • The degree of freedom and liberty that we enjoy is decided by our ability and willingness to detect, decipher, and declare the truth!
  • To choose the right, intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom are armament sufficient.
  • Good will prevail in the battle against evil.
  • God's plan of eternal happiness for his children is ultimately inevitable.
  • Jesus Christ gave us free agency and grace.
  • Our fate lies in our hands!
  • Have Faith!
  • Take Courage!
  • Stand Up!
  • Fight For Your Life!
  • Now!
  • reduce size of federal government
  • reduce federal interference in state and local government
  • reduce government interference in the marketplace
  • eliminate national deficit
  • reduce federal spending
  • strengthen national defense
  • protect the unborn
  • end manipulation of schoolchildren by utopian planners
  • promote the acknowledgment of a God in our classrooms
  • destroy the myth of man made global warming
  • promote individual responsibility and accountability
  • correct tax system to one of fairness
The quote listed in the header of this blog is an abridgment of a quote of Ezra Taft Benson. Here it is in it's entirety:

In times as serious as these, we must not permit fear of criticism to keep us from doing our duty, even at the risk of our counsel being tabbed as political, as government becomes more and more entwined in our daily lives. In the crisis through which we are now passing, we have been fully warned. There are some of us who do not want to hear the message. It embarrasses us. The things which are threatening our lives, our welfare, our freedoms are the very things some of us have been condoning. Many do not want to be disturbed as they continue to enjoy their comfortable complacency. There can be no neutrality! We are, or we are not, on the side of the Lord! (Ezra Taft Benson, 1973)
