I swear half of these fools in congress and the new executive administration are just stupid and the other half are trying to push their agenda so hard and fast that they're stumbling all over the place.
Check it out:
Who is crying about how AIG is spending money?
The federal government: members of congress and the executive.
Because they don't approve with how AIG is spending their money.
Because the money AIG is spending, is money that was given to them from the federal government?
Why did the federal government give them all that money?
Because they believe that AIG is too big to fail. That it is better to steal from the people and give to AIG rather than let a failing business suffer the natural consequences of their poor decisions and bad actions.
So, why am I laughing, again?
Because the very fools that are crying are the ones who caused the situation in the first place! They chose to give them tax payer money.
So, why didn't they stipulate how AIG was to spend the money entrusted to them?
Because they are irresponsible. They didn't take the time to read the bill before they signed it.
Why not?
Don't ask me. Ask them. Contact your representatives and congress and start asking questions. Then contact the White House and ask why the executive office didn't have the leadership, fortitude, and responsibility to encourage responsible action in congress and make a careful review of the bill before he gave it his stamp of approval. I remember Obama (man, I hate to say that word) speaking in front of congress lecturing Republicans on holding up progress just because they hadn't had time to read the bill. (Is it just me, or just that just idiotic?)
Remember that we the people are the sovereign power of our country, the United States of America. If we don't unite and stand up to our monster, then we have no one else to blame.
Government is a our creation.
We created it to protect our individual unalienable god-given natural rights to life, liberty, and the use of the fruits of our labor to pursue our unique vision of happiness.
We believe that all men (meaning mankind; this includes women) are naturally endowed with these rights.
It is our duty, to our fellow man and ultimately to our posterity, to take back what has been encroached upon by government; to remind government of its limited enumerated powers and duties. We must also hold them accountable. If we do not, then we fail, and it is inevitable that our children will some day pay the ultimate sacrifice to instill a more perfect form of government, if that is possible. I say that the most perfect system was instituted by our founding fathers and the framers of our coinstitution under divine inspiration. To lay down and let the forces of the one who opposes all truth progress his plan, would be the ultimate injustice to their sacrifice on our behalf.
So, the time is now. Let us not delay. I believe we are at a pivitol moment in human history. A prolonged hesitation to take action will prove to be a substantial loss and a huge setback.
Lets start asking some more fundamental questions.
What is the proper role of government?
What are the limits to their powers, if their are any?
Who is holding the members of congress responsible for their crimes? (Yes, most of them are guilty of multiple crimes.)
We believe in a separation of government and society.
Because government by its nature is evil, so it must be limited to essntial powers and responsibilities that man's moral virtue alonw can't provide. Society is by nature good. Government can promote the general welfare of individuals, but society provides it.
Seriously people, have you been paying attention:
- the largest spending plan in human history has been instituted by a government that was already more than 10 trillion dollars in debt
- money taken from we the people is being used to fund Hamas that is terrorist regime that inflicts death and destruction on our long time ally Israel
- money taken from we the people is being used to bail out failing European banks
- money taken from we the people is being used to fund organizations that promote voter fraud
- a tax cheat is head of the treasury and IRS
- enemy combatant terrorists are being set free, only to reorganize and attack us again
- we the people are being prevented from discovering, obtaining, and using natural sources of energy within our own lands and waters
- the president of the United States is currently serving in his first executive job
- the exective administration is afraid to call a terrorist a terrorist
- the vice president of the United States profanes publicly
- the president of the United States holds the office illegitimately as he is not a natural born citizen
- the attorney general of the United States backed clemency for 16 FALN terrorists who killed American soldiers and was involved in the pardons handed out to Weather Underground domestic terrorists
- a whole lot more ...
How did we get here? We must make it stop! NOW!
on March 20 2009, I reposted this article at regularfolksunited.com. Here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php?sid=58251606633&h=SpfZ_&u=NCDqU&ref=mf
This was my first time posting there. I'm interested to see if anybody reads it there, comments on it, gives it thumbs up. Hmmm.....