So, it was quite refreshing to see Sean in his new format. However, he brought on three dweebs. I'm not sure who they all were. One was the author of "Fleeced" I believe; can't remember his name. Anyway, I've never cared for him much. He isn't a true conservative; seems more like a McCain moderate/centrist type; actually, more of a political strategist. Then, there were two women; one was a leader in the Republican party arena in some fashion out in California; supposedly another conservative; blonde. I'm not sure who the third guest was; brunette.
It was sickening to hear them regurgitate the liberal propeganda that "only the government can save us from this economic crisis"; " the worst since the great depression"; "the only entity big enough to solve the problem is the government". I was in complete dismay! From the lips of so called republicans. These are RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) or Repubics, as Mark "The Great One" would say.
No! No! No!
It is not RIGHT to do the WRONG thing for the so called RIGHT reason.
Their first error is that they accepted the false premise from the strategizing socialists now coming into power.
Are we really in a great crisis that is the worst since the great depression? If we are, what conrtibuted to it? Could it be the failure of the Democratic lead congress during the past few years, compacted with propaganda during the election as a stratgey for an October surprise? What are their motives now? What are their intentions? Why do they seem to thrive with the prospect of this great economic tragedy? Why do they seem to relish it?
The left must be giddy that these television "conservatives" have swallowed it and amplified their deception across the airwaves into countless homes, influencing numerous citizens across the nation; validating it with people that might otherwise remain skeptical.
I keep thinking how Obama must be saying "Man, I can't believe this is working!"; "I can't believe this worked!"; "Solinsky was right on". As he duped more and more as his victories mounted through the election and now up to innauguration, he, and his solinskyite peers have gained more and more confidence and arrogance. They must surely feel as if nothing can stop them. They have successfully carried out Solinky's teachings. It really worked!
Their second error is to believe and preach that it is within the government's enumerated powers to fix the "problem". It is not; and it is not proper. Government's sole role is to protect the people's individual inalienable rights to life, liberty, property, and happiness from other entities. What entity is it that is threatening our natural rights? It seems quite apparent that the offender is the government itself; for if it had not been for it's interference in the free market in the first place, we would not be in this apparent predicament. So, are we to allow this abuser to abuse us and our posterity furthermore? Absurdity?
I forsee that the longer this usurpation of powers by the government and submission by the people continues, that the more people will die in the future to once again establish a free society.
We must remember that government by it's very nature is evil and is necessary because morale virtue is not sustainable as the sole reliant upon which the rights of individuals rest.
We the people must make a conscience decision that we are willing to pay the price, to make the sacrifices required to slash government as soon and as much as we can. This is the only way that we can tame the beast and contain the evil and potential for damages.
Hannity! Please get some true Americans on the show!