"You are a dishonest corrupt politician who has now made it more clear than ever that you are our sworn enemy. We the people lost this battle, but we are on our way of taking back our country.
We are now more resolute than ever and rallying the masses to unite to defeat you!
You will not win this war!
I hope you enjoy your retirement and please don't do too much more damage to America during your last few months in office. You never would have remained in office for so long had we the people not been asleep at the wheel. Never again will we allow self seekers of power like yourself, Marxists, and naive busy body do gooders conspire against us as you have gotten away with for so long.
How do you sleep at night?
Seriously! What did you think we would think of your back room deals, secret meetings, arm twisting, complete disregard to our constitution and economic sensibility? You straight up ignored the voice and will of the people!
To push this evil health care bill through on the Sabbath was as if to hit us and God himself with a final slap in the face! You made me sick to my stomach. I am utterly disgusted!
Furthermore, that wasn't enough for you sick people! To add insult to injury, you pranced around outside like a troop of evil clowns with big conniving grins on your faces; you and Nancy Pelosi with that big oversized cartoon looking gavel! I am so furious with you and the entire congress!
What has become of my beloved America?
May God have mercy on your soul!"