Man of the year my ass! How about deceiver of the year! I will never spend any money on Time. This is my second issue of part of a Christmas gift from my Mother-in-law. She always gives thoughtful gifts, and I'm enjoying this one more than most. I can't wait to see what the second half is.
Seriously, couldn't Time have chosen a man who is a champion for life, who defends the most innocent of us all, the newborn and the unborn. No, they pick someone who is a proponent of infanticide and opposed to helping the most helpless in our society. This is simply pure evil and completely contrary to our Declaration of Independence that states that we believe in the natural human rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If we can't defend the most basic right to life that is stated in our most sacred of national documents, that is the cornerstone of our foundation, than where is our identity? We have broken our very foundation!
What kind of magazine has the balls to place such an absurdity on the front page and expect to stay in business? It's like saying "Hello, we are idiots and have no backbone nor laurels!".