Get Out Of Our House! GOOOH!
A revolutionary plan for replacing every representitive in our House of Representatives.
Tim Cox wrote the book "Revolution! A New Plan for Selecting Representatives" where he describes the system he has designed to select the best representatives of we the people to serve in our House. He believes that this is his purpose in life; to restore the federal system of government that the founding fathers of the United Stated of America and the framers of her constitution intended for it to be: a lean representative government of the people and the states with limited powers and responsibilities.
I attended a meeting in Monkton, Maryland this past Monday evening. Tim Cox flew in to speak. This was my second time meeting Tim. On September 12, 2009, I met him on the mall in Washington DC and helped pass out literature on the GOOOH plan.
I've now assumed the responsibility as GOOOH leader for my district; Maryland district 5, currently represented by Steny Hoyer.
I'm looking for at least 10 patriot citizens who are willing to commit to meet together one evening to learn about GOOOH. If you are interested please let me know by commenting on this post.
Now is the time!