I find it interesting yet disturbing that some find John McCain's pick of his VP nominee troubling, while others, myself included, find it to be his only redeeming grace.
Anna Banana in her blog entry
"Please Consider the Following" on Tuesday, September 16, 2008, basically listed out left wing talking points attacking Sarah Palin. (Do these people think for themselves?) I'm not going to take the time to rebut all of her arguments here, but want to address the following excerpt:
Not only is her biology a little lacking, but apparently her history is also. When asked if she was offended by the phrase "under God" in the pledge of allegiance, her response indicated her lack of knowledge of U.S. history (which would seem pertinent when vying for the spot of Vice President of that same country). As a note, the link in the article that I linked to supplying the interview doesn't work, but a transcript of the interview can be found elsewhere if googled. On a lighter note, if you read the comments at the bottom of the article, the one by solarbear is fun for a good laugh. For more about Palin's religious views as interpreted by a rival of hers, see here.From the article referenced above:
Question: Are you offended by the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?
Palin: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I'll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.
The pledge, of course, was not written until 1892 and the words "under God" were not added until the 1950s
My points:
1. I don't know why she attacked her biology. Is Anna suggesting that because she is a female that she is lacking abilities that males have in order to qualify for the job of vice president?
2. I would take an alien that had just landed on earth with no knowledge of U.S. History over Obama/Biden any day, provided he could demonstrate a sound decision making ability, strong leadership skills, good judgement, courage, loyalty, conviction, fortitude, an understanding of innate human rights and the role of government to protect those rights. Of course, any one quality alone would warrant a better choice than Obama.
3. Let me say that I have not done any validation of the inquiry of Sarah and her response. But, assuming that it is true, let me say that the question was whether she is offended by the use of the term "under God" as used in the Pledge of Allegiance in it's current form. She simply and succinctly, yet lightheartedly stated that the use of "under God" was worthy of our founding fathers, that she felt strongly about that phrase and would defend keeping it in the pledge.
Just take a walk around our capitol and notice how many times "Under God" is engraved on our national monuments. It's on our money, it's how our forefathers felt about our country and God. That is why it was added to Francis Bellamy's original pledge; it just wasn't quite right without it. This goes to show that some good can come from a socialist if you add God back into the equation.
I can just see these little Marxist drones foaming at the mouth; "ha", "gotchya", "she doesn't know history", "see, I told you she was an idiot", "wow, that's so funny".
The sad thing is that this Anna Banana appears to be a fairly attractive young woman, physically. Just read through the rest of her post, if you have time, and see how her brain has been turned too mush. What a waste. Perhaps, she, as happens with so many, will see the error of her ways as she matures through the years.
Another thing:
It's curious why there is so much uproar about Sarah Palin from people that wouldn't have voted for McCain anyway. I don't waste much time focusing on Joe Bidin, as he is basically irrelevant to my opposition to Obama's campaign. I disagree strongly with Barrack Obama; his lack of moral values, his repeated display of poor judgment, his tactical deception, his indecisiveness, his lack of leadership, his felonious, treasonous, and hypocritical behavior. Barrack is a radical Marxist who's vision of government and it's proper role is antithetical to mine. He is an enemy to the state. He is the culmination of the left wing liberal progressive socialist America hating establishment that has been seeking to undermine and overthrow our society founded on a free market economy and individual rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Obama's selection of Biden as his running mate is a non factor; still, NoBama!